Monday, October 25, 2010

Duck Hunt (and anything else dumb enough to get in the way)

In place by five thirty or so. Wake up at 2.


Swamp mud and Salmon Eggs
This fool went down first, flying up behind the wrong shooter. Phesant or some shit.
The Salmon got caught by the tail. Fool!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Daegs in the green woods..

Doope. Matches the Cinema in the background

Finding Season

Before this years leaves fall and cover everything is finding time.
Took a less taken route down the hill and did indeed find something.
Pinnacle was a cemetery, filled with used up Patties who dug the canal. Most everyone was dug up long ago and reburied at the epic Mt. Hope Cemetery.
Also, super rad rocks are not covered with leaves.

sandystone and moss coloring
A granite maybe

Lepard Stone

September's Flowers, Whoa

I probably won't go to this but it's cool and you should go..
I'm guessing these won't last too long..
